2.8.15[Boolean] command

It registers chosen object as the Boolean calculation object of the side of A, B and it carries out a Boolean calculation.

When starting this command, the command which was starting before it is automatically ended.
A procedure is shown below.
1. It chooses the object. (For the details, refer to The way of choosing object.)
2. It starts [Boolean] command.
It registers the object which is chosen in this as the object of the side of A. (Display of the dark gray) When the chosen
object is more than one, it isnft possible to register as the object of the side of A.
3. It chooses the object. (For the details, refer to P8 The way of choosing object.)
4. It starts [Boolean] command.
It registers the object which is chosen in this as the object of the side of B. (Display of the dark gray) When the chosen
object is more than one, it isnft possible to register as the object of the side of B.
5. The DIALOG of the kind choice is displayed.
6.When it wants to leave the object(-) in operation 1, the check puts a lower check box. (use two or more times)

[Select Boolean]Dialog Box

Click a button with the mouse or push a Short-cut Key. The display of the DIALOG can be omitted when starting a menu while pushing a corresponding Short-cut Key.
There is possibility that the relative position relation (the overlap by the vertex coordinate and the surface and so on) between
the object of the side of A and the object of the side of B can not do Boolean calculation normally. In the such case, shift a
little relative position relation. (About 0.1 mm) The object after calculating a curved surface in the Boolean runs out in the
curved surface. (It isnft possible to do [Object Deform]).

Since ver1.1

After the dialog of the confirmation, Set Surface subdivision setting dialog is displayed.
As a result, the subdivided data can be made though it depends on the performance of PC.

The backup of data is also possible. (Boolean A B Object)

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