When starting this command, the command which was starting before it is automatically ended.
A procedure is shown below.
1. It chooses the object (Wire) used as the standard after movement. (For
the details, refer toThe way of choosing
2. When the object used as the standard after movement is not deleted F5
key is pushed, and the [Wire Delete Off] mode is taken.
3. It starts [BaseWire Edit[Vertex]] command. A selection object is displayed in dark gray.
4. The object used as the candidate for edit is chosen. More than one can be chosen.v
5. It starts [BaseWire Edit[Vertex]] command. A selection object is displayed in dark gray.
6. The wire used as the standard before movement is dragged and specified.
This curve is specification on XY plane. Then, since TRACKER is displayed, TRACKER is moved and a standard
position is united. YZ and ZX plane make curved movement as it is. The starting point of this wire and the starting
point of the wire after movement are in agreement. When the range of the object for edit is large, or when the base line
after movement is short, a object overflows the base line after movement.
7. A click of the right button of a mouse moves and rotates a object.
When two or more base lines after movement are chosen, the object is copied and movement and rotation of are done.
This command doesnft end automatically. As for the way of ending, refer
to The way of commandfs ending. As for the TRACKER, refer to The way of
the TRACKER operation.