2.7.18Control Point and Passage Point
In JCAD3, there are two kinds of modes which specify a Control Point/Passage Point to be how to draw a Wire/Surface.
Usually, although it is specification by the control point, it will become
route mode if F9 key is pushed before command starting.

As for a Control Point (right) and a Passage Point (left), the curve of the form same as mentioned above also has a big
difference. Although a route is the method of surely passing the specified
point, please specify as equally as possible, without taking between points
by force.
The command which can perform Passage Point specification is as follows.
(Object Generate) [Wire] [Wire Deform] [Sweep]
(Object Deform) [Point Move[Ctl-P]] [Line Move[Ctl-P]] [Section Deform[Ctl-P]] [Move Rails[Ctl-P]]