This is Nothing in BASIC version.
When the password is set to data, it inputs it before.

◎ About Password
The password becomes specification within ten characters of the alphanumeric
character. The capital letter and the small letter become alphabets separately.
When the password has registered:The password is registered in the file
only when preserving it by JGD password and GGD password.
It is not possible to read if the password is not corresponding at the
time of reading.
When the password is registered in the file
A set dialog of the password for reading is displayed if not agreeing to
the registered password.However, the file cannot be read as long as a password
corresponding by a set dialog of the password for reading is not input.
※ When characters other than the alphanumeric character are input, it doesn't
check it.
The password has been converted on the assumption of the alphanumeric character.
Note that operation is not secured when characters other than the alphanumeric character are input.